legal notice

Legal warning

1. Company information:

Truck Parking Network SL ( nection )

Crta N2 km 760, Hostalets de Llers 17730, Gerona, Spain.

NIF: B10659688

Truck Parking Network SL belongs to the Padrosa Group with its rights in Padrosa Administracio i Control, hereinafter PADROSA.

2. Personal data protection policy.

When browsing our WEBSITE, certain personal data may be collected from you, necessary for the provision of the requested services.

Specifically, you can provide us with information in the following sections:

- Contact. Contact information to be able to respond to requests that you make to us. Your data will be kept as long as it is necessary to manage your request.

- Mail. For sending commercial communications. For this we need your consent. This can be revoked at any time.

In accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the data provided by you in any of the previous sections , will be processed by PADROSA in order to provide the indicated services.

Your data will not be transferred to third parties except under legal obligation, and will not be used for automatic decision-making or profiling.

The personal information collected is stored in a database owned by PADROSA, who assumes the technical, organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the information.

Please notify us of any modification to your personal data so that the information is always updated and does not contain errors. Likewise, by accepting this legal notice, you acknowledge that the information and personal data collected are accurate and truthful.

At any time you can exercise the right to access, rectify and, where appropriate, delete personal data, by means of written communication addressed to the address that appears in section 1, attaching your ID. You can also contact us by sending an email. We remind you that you can always file a claim with the Data Protection Agency (

3. Conditions of use.

PAROSA is not responsible:

3.1. Make use of it for illicit purposes or connotations, in accordance with the legislation applicable at all times; unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Website or its contents; a use prohibited in these conditions; as well as any use that is harmful to the legitimate rights and interests of third parties.

3.2. Cause damage to the physical or logical systems of PADROSA, its website, its suppliers or third parties, or any practice that may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal functioning of documents, files and all types of content. stored on any computer equipment. In particular, it is expressly prohibited to introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems on the network that are likely to cause damage.

3.3. Attempt to access the resources or restricted areas of the Website, without meeting the access requirements, and use, reproduce, copy, distribute, allow public access or manipulate the data of PADROSA, third-party providers and other users, through any modality.

3.4. In particular, and by way of merely indicative and non-exhaustive purposes, the user undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties, information, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound or image files, photographs, recordings, software. and, in general, any kind of material that:

3.4.1. In any way, whether it is contrary to, belittles or attacks the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized constitutionally, in International Treaties and in the rest of the legislation.

3.4.2. Induces, incites, incorporates, makes available or allows access to products or promotes actions that are criminal, denigrating, defamatory, slanderous, violent, dangerous, risky or harmful to health and mental balance.

3.4.3. Induces, incites or promotes discriminatory actions, attitudes or thoughts based on sex, race, religion, beliefs, age or condition.

3.4.4. Constitute any type of advertising or announcement from third parties other than PADROSA.

4. Copyright, intellectual and industrial property.

All the contents of this website, including: its graphic design, its logos, images, texts and other elements contained therein, are the property of PADROSA. Likewise, the user recognizes and accepts that all brands, trade names or distinctive signs, and all industrial and intellectual property rights inherent therein, on the contents and/or any other elements inserted on the page, are the exclusive property of PADROSA and/or third parties, who have the exclusive right to use them in economic traffic. Under no circumstances does access to the contents of the website imply the waiver, transmission, transfer, total or partial license of said rights, nor does it confer any right of use, translation, adaptation, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication. of said contents, without the prior and express authorization of PADROSA or its legal owners. None of the material presented on the PADROSA website may be copied, reproduced, published, uploaded to computer equipment, sent by mail, transmitted or distributed in any way, especially by publication on other websites or in network environments. , other than downloading to your personal computer for your use, strictly respecting all copyright and proprietary notices.

5. Limitation of liabilities.

PADROSA does not guarantee the absence of viruses or similar elements in the electronic documents and files stored in its computer system and on its website, which could cause software and hardware alterations for the user. The use of our website and its contents implies acceptance by the user of the above risks and, therefore, the user excludes PADROSA from any responsibility for damages of any kind derived from the possible presence of viruses or other analogous elements. PADROSA will try with all the means at its disposal to guarantee the security of the information provided by users. However, as is commonly known, security in the Internet environment cannot be guaranteed in its entirety, at any time.

6. Política de enlaces.

Nuestro sitio Web puede contener vínculos a otras páginas Web, en que las prácticas de información y condiciones de uso pueden ser diferentes de las nuestras. Por ello, los usuarios deben consultar las notificaciones de privacidad de las otras páginas a las que accedan; ya que PADROSA no conoce, controla, vigila o hace propios los contenidos de las mismas y, por tanto, no se hace responsable de la información suministrada o recogida por estos terceros, excluyendo expresamente cualquier responsabilidad por los daños y perjuicios de toda clase que pudieran derivarse del acceso a las páginas o contenidos que enlacen directamente desde esta web. Por todo ello, PADROSA declina cualquier responsabilidad respecto a la información que se incluya fuera de este sitio Web y no esté gestionada por en esta web.

7. Cookies.

PADROSA se reserva el derecho de utilización de las denominadas cookies o archivos similares, en cualquier tipo de utilización del portal. No obstante, las cookies utilizadas se asocian únicamente con usuarios anónimos y sus terminales, sin proporcionar referencias que permitan deducir datos personales del usuario. Asimismo, en relación a cuanto antecede, PADROSA le informa sobre el hecho de que la mayoría de los navegadores en la red, permiten a los usuarios borrar las cookies del disco duro de su ordenador, bloquearlas o recibir un mensaje antes de grabar una.

8. Jurisdicción y leyes aplicables.

Las presentes condiciones generales de uso se rigen por las Leyes Españolas. Cualquier controversia en relación con este sitio Web se sustanciará ante la jurisdicción española.

6. Link policy.

Our website may contain links to other websites, where their information practices and terms of use may be different from ours. Therefore, users must consult the privacy notices of the other pages they access; since PADROSA does not know, control, monitor or make its content its own and, therefore, is not responsible for the information provided or collected by these third parties, expressly excluding any liability for damages of any kind that may arise. arise from access to pages or content that link directly from this website. For all these reasons, PADROSA declines any responsibility regarding the information that is included outside of this website and is not managed by this website.

7. Cookies.

PADROSA reserves the right to use so-called cookies or similar files in any type of use of the portal. However, the cookies used are only associated with anonymous users and their terminals, without providing references that allow the user's personal data to be deduced. Likewise, in relation to the above, PADROSA informs you of the fact that most web browsers allow users to delete cookies from their computer's hard drive, block them or receive a message before recording one.

8. Jurisdiction and applicable laws.

These general conditions of use are governed by Spanish Laws. Any controversy in relation to this website will be heard before Spanish jurisdiction.

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